Event Detail

Sociocultural Activity: Basque Mythology & Music

01 Mar 2024

From 06:30 pm to 08:30 pm

23 Professionals
1 Organisations
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In response to your requests for an activity highlighting our cultural heritage, we are thrilled to present a glimpse into our rich traditions. Join us as we delve into a small yet captivating part of our culture, exploring the enchanting realms of "jentilak" and "lamiak." Additionally, we invite you to experience the mesmerizing sounds of the "txalaparta" and the distinctive tones of the "alboka."

Our journey into this cultural tapestry is made possible through the collaboration of Aritza Bergara, a distinguished Basque mythologist. With a wealth of knowledge encapsulated in several published works and holding official titles for Basque instruments, Aritza Bergara will serve as our guide, providing a fascinating introduction to this captivating world. In addition, we are honoured to have Amaia Fuentes, a renowned folklore musician and esteemed colleague, grace our event. Amaia will not only captivate us with her musical prowess but will also generously impart her expertise, offering a hands-on demonstration on the art of playing the alboka and txalaparta.

Get ready to immerse yourselves in the beauty and vibrancy of our cultural heritage! 

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